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Distortion Shirts

I’m a big believer in passion projects and in designing anything you feel compelled or drawn to designing.

In order to stay happy and enthusiastic with my clients and my students it’s important that I do projects for myself where I have creative freedom and no real end goal to start with other than having fun and expressing myself.


I wanted to create a print for a short sleeve button up that I had never seen before. I tried several different mark making techniques like using paints and masking tape to create some organic and textured marks.


I got my textile design repeating and printed onto 8 metres of fabric before collaborating with a wonderful woman named Shelley Brunson based in Redfern Sydney. She’s an experienced seamstress who helped me bring the shirts to life and have my first taste of many more fashion projects like this to come.


After creating some interesting marks I then jumped on the tools to distort and pixelate to my desired outcome. It was a very organic process and really was just about having fun creating something that I would actually want to wear.